Engage 2 Engage


What’s CTRs and Why Sharing Your Blogs from Social Media is Not Enough to Boost CTRs

Creating captivating content for your website is essential to maintaining a web presence. It’s easy to see why so much focus has been on content. After all, 47% of buyers report viewing 3-5 pieces of content before connecting with a brand.

Still, over 90% of companies use content marketing, meaning it can be easy for your well-crafted post to get lost in the shuffle. The most important element to ensuring your content connects with readers is quality. Yet, many find themselves with well-written posts that maintain lackluster readership.

The first thought after a new article goes up is typically to go and post about it on social media. It makes sense, at least in theory, that your most engaged audience is the one that follows your brand pages.

While this is true and a fantastic practice, it is not the end-all-be-all solution for boosting your click-through rates (CTRs.)

Sharing your blogs on social media should certainly be part of your strategy, but it’s not enough to use as your entire strategy.

Let’s take a closer look at why sharing blogs on social media is not enough to boost your CTR and what you need to do instead.

What is an Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

The click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who have seen your page listed that have clicked on the link. This percentage is found by taking the total number of views your listing has received and dividing it by the number of clicks it has received. So, a listing with 1000 views and 10 clicks will have a 1% CTR.

A higher CTR is important because it means that more people have decided that your page is relevant to the intent of their search and have converted over to visitors of your webpage.

There are a variety of ways to work on attaining a higher CTR ranging from a well-written meta-tag to backlinks, SEO, and other technical strategies. Blogs allow you to directly answer the questions that customers have about the product or service you are offering. Instead of just saying who you are, blogs allow your company to say what problems you help customers solve.

But many find themselves frustrated by how little traction they can get after creating and posting their content. While there is an audience on social media, social signals only go so far.

What are Social Signals?

Social media pages are still web platforms. For each of these posts, several different signals can be recorded. Things like likes, shares, and comments are all signs of the relevance of a post.

The main use of these signals is within the search engines of the actual platforms. Twitter, for example, uses these signals to determine which topics are trending, which tweets are the most relevant to your searches, and which posts should show up first in your feed.

Social signals are monitored by Google and other search engines as well but in an unknown way. Google search results can include links to social media platforms and even posts. However, posting your content on social media is not enough for it to rise in the organic rankings, no matter how well it does.

Why It Isn’t Enough

While sharing blog posts on social media is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your website and keep your customers there longer, it doesn’t go far enough to simply post about it. For starters, social signals do not directly impact rank with Google (at least officially.)

While it is clear that these signals are monitored, it is not understood exactly how so. What we do know is that meta descriptions, search intent (how relevant a link is to the user’s search,) and several other factors go into overall rankings.

A more popular post certainly signals to search engines that it is more likely to meet the criterion of search intent, but it’s not clear if this is even factored into searchability at all.

What Else is Important

Getting people to your website is only half the battle. Once they’re there, they need a call to action. Adding action for your visitors to complete once they have read your compelling content allows you to capitalize on the audience that your posts are creating.

The purpose of your social media posts is to get the reader interested in the topic. The purpose of your content is to get the reader interested in your business. Your content will establish you as an authority on the topics related to your industry but only if it’s being seen.

To do this, you need to rely on a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that includes:

  • Appealing, functional web design.
  • Effective meta descriptions.
  • Keyword planning and execution.
  • Excellent content and copywriting.
  • SEO best practices.

Need Some Help?

Does this all seem too complicated or time-consuming to get a handle on? Luckily, Engage 2 Engage is here to help. Every business owner out there is looking for the highest possible ranking they can get. Let us help set you apart from them with our digital marketing services! Our done-with-you programs help you nurture your target audience while automating to save time. Learn more about our Programs today!
