Engage 2 Engage


Marketing Performance Measures and Metrics

When you are trying to sell people a specific product or service, getting them where you want is perhaps the greatest challenge. So, you want them to see your website or funnel landing page and what you have to offer, but that will not happen if you cannot entice them there in the first place. What you need is a strong social media presence, informative and engaging blog posts, and other worthwhile messaging avenues. Thus, why marketing performance measures and metrics is key to track where you are at.

Finally, when they do get to your site, you will want to understand how people are interacting with your website or funnel site once they land on that first page. Because when you can create a clear picture of who is visiting your site and how they engage with the messaging there, you can better understand how to increase your site’s traffic, make sales, and turn curious strangers into loyal visitors (and customers).

Gauging this information requires you to review your site carefully and extract useful data. By considering these measures carefully, you can distinguish the areas of your site that are successful from those that need improvement.

Your dedicated Engage 2 Engage Client Success Manager (CSM) works with the internal team and analyst to review measurements and reports on metrics that illustrate your site’s success at accomplishing the goals of each stage of the user journey. Thus, a multitude of variables can influence the success of your business, and marketing performance measures and metrics narrow down where improvements may be needed across the process. As a result, these reports are offered at the Pearl and Platinum Program levels.

Below, we break down the distinct stages of the user’s journey, what you can expect to happen at each stage, and how we measure your marketing performance’s success.

1. Awareness Stage: Attracting Strangers

To put it simply, you attract people to your site by understanding who your target audience is, what their pain points are, and what they are looking for. You keep them there by providing information that addresses these pain points head-on. To do this, you want to create engaging, innovative content. But remember that the goal of your message should not be broad and for everyone; it is to meet the specific needs of your target audience.
Of course, to assess whether your site is drawing people in, you must first examine the raw number of site visitors. Below are some measures and metrics to consider:

Sample Marketing Performance Measures and Metrics

These are the quantitative measures and metrics that will help you determine how successfully your site’s landing page is when attracting strangers and the visitor’s behavior on your site:

Number of Banner Offering Clicks from Blog Posts: This measurement looks at how many people click the banner on a blog post to learn more about an offer.

Pageviews: This metric looks at how many page views you receive across your entire website.

Session Length: This metric considers how long visitors are staying on your page.

Traffic Sources and Acquisition Reports: This metric looks at exactly where site visitors are coming from. For example, are they finding you through organic Google searches or attracted to your social media message?

Depending on the Program level, here are some specific questions your dedicated Engage 2 Engage Client Success Manager (CSM) will be reviewing with you:

• How much traffic is your site attracting?
• Where is the traffic coming from?
• Are there any patterns that can explain fluctuations over time?
• How long does the average visitor spend on your site?
• How often do site visitors venture to other areas of your site?
• What action is taken?

Plans of Action

These are some of the actions we focus on for you and your business:

Focus on Keywords. Run SEO keyword reports to understand what keywords your audience tends to search for. Then, come up with ways to rank for these keywords.

Turn to Social Media. Sometimes, you yield your best results by focusing on your audience beyond your site. Engaging with your audience via social media with compelling posts, challenging events, and other activities may pique their interest and make them want to see what you have to offer on your site.

• Provide Engaging Content. Most likely, strangers stumble upon your site because something about it convinced them that you had answers to some of their questions, the solution to a problem they experience. You can keep them engaged and establish authority by offering informative, well-written, and thoroughly written blog posts. Your blog posts might be about industry-specific topics, certain perks and benefits of your product or service, or anything that would help visitors better understand what you do and why it matters to them.

2. Awareness Stage: Connecting with Visitors

You could have a high traffic site, but if no one is spending more than a few seconds on your landing page, then changes should be made to improve the users’ experiences. Your site may not be visually appealing, or it may be confusing to viewers, or the information layout does not flow.
Bottom line: once you have them, you need to convince them to stick around. Keep in mind that most people don’t dwell on web pages any longer than 15 seconds, so make your 15 seconds count. There are psychology tactics that can be used to keep the visitors interested and get them to take action.

Sample Marketing Performance Measures and Metrics

These are the quantitative measures and metrics that will help you determine how successfully your site is converting strangers into frequent visitors:
Average Session Duration: How much time people spend on your website

Bounce Rate: Again, this number can tell you how well people are engaging with your site. If they are clicking away without looking past the landing page, you will want to consider why.

Most Visited Pages: This metric highlights the pages on your website that have been viewed the most.

Social Engagement: This metric will tell you how many interactions people have made on your social media posts

Time On Page: You will want to consider how long visitors stay on pages once they choose to click on them.

Depending on the Program level, here are some specific questions your dedicated Engage 2 Engage Client Success Manager (CSM) will be reviewing with you:

• How long does the average visitor spend on any given page?
• How many visitors convert upon visiting specific pages?
• How many visitors are opting into your email list or offer?
• What other call to action (CTA) activities can be added?

Plans of Action

These are some of the actions we focus on for you and your business:

Lead Magnet Incentives. A freebie can be a great way to entice people to your brand and pull them in to see what you have to offer. You can offer a short checklist, basic template, mini how to tips, discount off an offer, exclusive webinar or other event type invite. You have different options. Whatever you choose, the goal is to gain access to people’s contact info so that you can reach out to them, stay engaged, build a relationship, and offer something else of value in the future.

Make Landing Pages Count. Remember: first impressions are everything. When that landing page loads, you want it to immediately engage visitors and compel them to keep clicking around. We apply psychology techniques and tactics to make the site interesting while guiding users to take action.

Bring in the Chatbot. What better way to engage visitors than through conversation? Sure, it may be with a faceless chatbot, but any interaction counts. Chatbots can be set-up to answer common questions or concerns.

3. Consideration Stage: Converting Prospects

Now that you have turned those casual browsers into fervent followers, it is time to work on the stage: converting them. That is a fancy way of saying that you want them to buy your offering or enlist your service. You have come this far, so you want to do all you can to keep them interested enough to make a move.

Sample Marketing Performance Measures and Metrics

These are the quantitative measures and metrics that will help you determine how effectively you are converting prospects:

New Versus Returning Visitors: Just as the phrase implies, this metric tells you how many visitors are new to your site versus visiting your second (or third or beyond) time

Number of Leads: This metric considers how many leads you have gained through your engagement efforts.

Number of Engagements: This metric looks at how many people are viewing/engaging with specific pieces of content.

Opt-In Rate. This is the percentage of people who choose to sign up for your email list.

Traffic/Sessions: This one looks at the number of times people visited your website.

Depending on the Program level, here are some specific questions your dedicated Engage 2 Engage Client Success Manager (CSM) will be reviewing with you:

• Are visitors engaging with the content?
• How long do visitors engage with your page messaging?
• What forms of information seem to generate the most interest from prospects?
• How many people are interacting with your call-to-action (CTA) buttons?
• Are a high number of visitors signing up to receive updates?
• How effective are Pop-Up Opt-In rates?
• What specific actions can you take to convince prospects to convert?

Plans of Action

These are some of the actions we focus on for you and your business:
Create Strong Calls to Action. Your website may have several calls-to-action (CTAs), and the CSM can help you assess their effectiveness. CTA results are an excellent way to measure the interest viewers have in your website and products.

Include Testimonials, Social Proof, Praises, or Client Results. Have people raved about your past work? Include their glowing comments on your landing page! Sometimes you cannot, like my government consulting business, clients are not able to provide testimonials, but I was able to provide result information and indicate who my clients were. There is always a way to demonstrate your past performance. It especially helps if these outcome information show prospects how your product or service helped yield specific results.

Publish Case Studies. If you have data that speaks for itself, show it off in a strategic case study. Maybe you ask some established clients if they are willing to participate in a case study that showcases their success.

4. Decision Stage: Engaging Leads

Once you have succeeded in meeting the goals of the previous stages, you need to continue engaging your potential customers, so they make a purchase or sign up for something you are offering. This is where the decision stage comes into play. Keep in mind: people take decision making very seriously. To them, a significant sum of money is at stake if they invest in your product or service, so they want to be certain that they are making the right choice. Your job at this stage is to keep them excited about your solution. You can do this by various email campaigns.

Sample Marketing Performance Measures and Metrics

These are the quantitative measures and metrics that will help you determine if you are engaging leads well:
Visit Frequency: This metrics looks at how often visitors return to your website for more content.

Click-Through Email: The percentage of people who engage with a link in your email campaign

Impressions: This number reflects how many views your content receives on social media.

Open Rate: The percentage of people who open your email

Sign-Up Rate: Put simply, the percentage of people who sign up for your service after engaging.

Depending on the Program level, here are some specific questions your dedicated Engage 2 Engage Client Success Manager (CSM) will be reviewing with you:

• How frequently do prospects sign up?
• What calls to action have yielded the best results?
• What email campaign produces the best open rate?

Plans of Action

These are some of the actions we focus on for you and your business:
Send Personalized, Engaging Emails. Prospects want to know that you care about their long-term success beyond just making another sale. Show them this by crafting emails that carry weight.

Publish White Papers. Sometimes, prospective customers get overwhelmed by all the information thrown their way daily. You can condense this information into well-researched, carefully organized, and well-written white papers.

Offer eBooks and How-to Guides. Well-written content engages people. You can engage your prospects with eBooks that not only provide valuable information but that also tells a story. Additionally, you can provide how-to-guides by offering challenges, workshops, and other informative content that gives prospects immediate results.

5. Decision Stage: Closing Customers

You are inching closer and closer toward a sale. You can see the finish line ahead and are ready to let out a sigh of relief. It is not quite time to relax just yet however! It is not a done deal, so you still need to make sure your engagement relationship building is strong.

Sample Marketing Performance Measures and Metrics

These are the quantitative measures and metrics that will help make the closing process seamless:

Conversion Rate: Percentage of people who participate in the call-to-action who end up as a sale

Cost Per Acquisition: At this stage, you will want to reflect honestly on what it costs to see a lead from that first site visit to close.

Cost Per Conversion: This measures how much it costs to turn a visit to your website into a paying customer.

Cost Per Action: This metric considers how much it costs to get users to perform a specific action.

Overall ROI: What you spent to close the lead divided by what you earned

Depending on the Program level, here are some specific questions your dedicated Engage 2 Engage Client Success Manager (CSM) will be reviewing with you:

• What can I do to bolster prospects’ confidence?
• What can I do to streamline the signup process?
• How can I perfect communication?

Plans of Action

These are some of the actions we focus on for you and your business:
Adopt Automation and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Customers value efficiency. At this stage, the more prompt, helpful, and thorough you are in your communications with customers, the more favorable they will view you.

Engage Customers Via Webinars and Workshops. Customers who are engaged stay excited about your offering. One way you can do this is by conducting regular webinars and workshops.

6. Advocate Stage: Delighting Promoters

The journey does not end with making a sale; repeat customers who actively promote your products to others are essential to business. Make them want to return again and again by showing interest in their own journey.

Sample Marketing Performance Measures and Metrics

These are the quantitative measures and metrics that will help you determine if your customers are ready to vouch for you:

Net Promoter Score (NPS): This score allows your customers to rate how likely they are to recommend your service, usually on a scale to 1 to 10. Anything above an 8 indicates that a client would be willing to praise what you have to offer.

Referral Rate: This considers how many of your customers were acquired through referrals.

Referral Tracking: Referrals are an excellent strategy for gaining new customers, but it helps to know where they are coming from. Referral tracking entails all stages of gaining customers through referrals, whether that is by someone clicking on a referral link or even a current customer opting to vouch for your services.

Social Engagement: Total number of times you interact with them on social media.

Social Reach: This stage considers how far reaching your social media content is and how people are engaging with it.

Depending on the Program level, here are some specific questions your dedicated Engage 2 Engage Client Success Manager (CSM) will be reviewing with you:

• Are people sharing your content?
• Are they interacting by leaving reviews or comments?

Plans of Action

These are some of the actions we focus on for you and your business:

Always Be Ready to Start the Campaign Again. Remember, the process doesn’t end when the customer makes the purchase. If you want them to return and to promote you, you want to engage them long-term.

Make the Experience Unique for Each Customer. You can do this by investing in intelligent software that makes recommendations that directly relate to customers’ interests.

Offer Surveys. Want to see what customers felt about their experience with your services or what they felt about a certain offering? Giving them surveys can be quite illuminating in this regard.

How Can Engage 2 Engage Help?

Engage 2 Engage’s CSM and the internal team will help you explore measures and metrics that gauge your site’s performance across all these stages. By looking at the numbers behind each step, you can develop a complete understanding of the effectiveness of your site and make changes where they are needed. Ultimately, tracking these data will ensure that your site is drawing in more viewers, identifying where action is taken and where action is needed, converting those viewers to customers, and producing greater revenue for your business.

What’s Next?

You are one step ahead of many of your competitors: you understand the journey that all your site visitors take before becoming loyal customers. Most important, you understand what you can be doing to help ensure that they reach that final stage. At the end of the day, keeping a few key measures and metrics in mind can help you track your progress and adjust as needed.

Fortunately, we are happy to give you the guidance you need. Click here to sign up for one of our done-with-you programs today. We offer three different levels, so you can choose the one that most closely matches your current needs.
