Learn how to
stay competitive
while marketing your brand and message…
when you don’t have the time, energy, or expertise!
“Build it and they will come” may sound great, but it does not work for modern business.
Of course, the first step to growing a business is to have a great offer that provides value. Over time, you can build a strong brand reputation and have customers advocating for your brand.
But first, you need to foster brand awareness and get your business in front of the right people.
How can you do that?
With marketing.
Marketing is a broad term, and it encompasses several different strategies. For example, SEO (search engine optimization) is part of marketing, but so is content marketing, email newsletters, social media, email nurtures, funnels, and much more.
Sounds like a lot, right?
To be honest, manually tackling every aspect of marketing is a TON of work. And it’s a lot of work you don’t need to be repetitively doing. With marketing automation, you can build an effective marketing ecosystem that helps you grow your business without working yourself to the ground.
There are a ton of ways to implement automation into your marketing strategy. Funnels, email campaigns, and chatbots are well-known terms in marketing automation right now. For example, chatbots answer common customer questions and help direct shoppers to the right resource. Live agents only need to step in when a question or issue is outside of the norm, but many times chatbots can help. Using chatbots in this way helps reduce the load on live agents while ensuring customers get the help they need quickly and efficiently.
There are many key benefits of automating marketing tasks. Some of the top reasons to invest in marketing automation include:
Marketing automation sure sounds great (and it is). However, it’s not something you should rush into. To ensure you set up the most effective automation tools for your business, you must consider a few key factors.
Let’s take a look at 6 crucial actions to consider when automating marketing tasks.
For each marketing process step you need to go through, keep these considerations in mind:
For example, if I am to create a Pop-Up Exit Intent form, I want to obtain the prospect’s contact information and identify who is interested in my message.
Additionally, with the same Pop-Up Exit Intent form, I want to help prospects and potential customers by providing them valuable information that would help make some element in their personal or business life better.
For example, if they submit a form, do you want them to receive a confirmation message? If so, what does that message look like? Do you want them to be re-routed to another page – like a “Thank You” page with additional information? What are the details of that page – what does that page look like from a content and design element?
For example, if you are inviting the prospect to training or webinar, you might want to have an email sent with an access link and passcode.
What about for yourself and your business? Do you want to receive a notification message that someone opted-in to your blog or signed up for a funnel event or purchased an offering?
For example, if the prospect opts-in to your blog, what list and tag do you want them to be associated with in your CRM application to keep the communication engagement going with leads?
For example, after the data is captured for the Pop-Up Exit Intent form, still focusing on the user journey, do you want the visitor to take another action after they have been rerouted to another page? Like in our example above, post “Thank You” page, consider having a call-to-action form for another value benefit or banner that drives another action.
For example, if someone signed up for an offer, what internal actions do you need to take place to make sure the order was processed? In my scenario, if someone purchases a book from my product page, there are internal notifications that are sent to make sure the signed physical book is delivered to the address on the order form. The internal system’s statuses are automatically changed when different actions take place. And vice versa, we have different actions taking place when the status changes. It depends on the internal triggered action we want to take place.
Creating a successful marketing automation lifecycle can be extremely lucrative. It certainly requires careful planning and execution.
Engage 2 Engage is here to help small businesses and entrepreneurs craft and follow a clear roadmap to marketing success. We’ll help you develop and implement powerful automation that drives desired results.
Learn more about our programs today!
while marketing your brand and message…
when you don’t have the time, energy, or expertise!